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  • Americans don’t trust Biden to lead the world

Americans don’t trust Biden to lead the world

Also, Trump’s Next Migration Plan

Today we’re covering:

  • 🗳️ Donald Trump’s Next Migration Plan & Policy

  • 🗣️ Americans don’t trust Biden to lead the world

  • 🚓 President Trump vs. Biden on Foreign Policy

  • 🇺🇸 The Democrats don’t want Joe Biden anymore

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Everything else you need to know

🚨 A "spectacular migration crackdown" is planned by Trump. Allies of the outgoing president described how a second Trump administration will intensify its strict immigration laws. Mass deportations, a halt to the exemptions granted to children who arrive, the construction of detention camps, a prohibition on immigration from Islamic nations, cooperation with non-federal law enforcement, and other measures are all part of the plan. According to a lawyer who is anticipated to serve in a future Trump administration, "the immigration legal activists" will be overwhelmed by the policy changes.

👎 Lawmakers from both parties criticize Biden. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), a far-left politician, claims that by backing Israel, President Biden is involved in "genocide." In his party's primary, more centrist Rep. Dean Philips (D-MN) is running against Biden, claiming he is too elderly to be a good president and a poor economic manager. Each of the legislators represents important groups that Biden cannot afford to lose in 2024.

🗳 The Virginia GOP prevails in the abortion debate. Although Virginia Republicans' performance in last month's elections was disappointing, they did beat some House Republicans and Donald Trump in difficult districts. Notably, rather than completely rejecting abortion, Governor Glenn Youngkin supported his party's proud push for a 15-week abortion restriction. In the swing state, the tactic worked better than the naysayers had predicted.

💰 Haley crafts an advertisement and courts rich moderates. Wealthy businesspeople and executives from firms like JPMorgan Chase and Citadel have expressed interest in endorsing Nikki Haley for president. Regarding donor enthusiasm, a campaign aide remarked, "Everything I hear is folks moving to Haley." This is happening as Haley is ready to launch a $10 million advertising campaign aimed at defeating DeSantis in Iowa and New Hampshire.

What has the media been talking about recently

Based on weeks of polls, 70% of people don't think the economy is getting better.

Tucker Carlson "has terrific common sense," according to Trump, who expressed his openness to having him serve as his vice president.

Nikki Haley was charged by DeSantis with having a "left-wing mindset" because she stated in a 2020 tweet that George Floyd's passing "needs to be personal and painful for everyone."

Chris Christie has amassed 80,000 contributions, which is enough to be eligible for the GOP presidential debate in December.

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The Democrats don’t want Joe Biden anymore

Here is what's going on: President Biden is having difficulties with more than simply independents. The Democratic alliance is starting to show signs of instability, and the president is up against shocking disparities even within the Party's core.

  • Black voters: According to a recent poll, Biden is supported by 71% of black voters in six significant battleground states.

  • Voters who identify as Arab: According to another, support for Arab candidates is merely 17%, a startling 42-point decline from 2020.

  • Voters under 30: According to a number of recent polls, Biden and Trump are almost tied among voters under 30.

Biden's Israel challenge: The Democratic Party is fracturing over the Israel-Palestine issue at both the elite and grassroots levels. This is putting the pro-Israel wing, represented by Biden and the party establishment, up against a more recent coalition that is anti-Israel and is made up of progressives, social justice activists, and college organizations.

Near one's house: These internal differences are now visible within the Biden White House. Recently, over 500 administration employees from almost 40 different organizations signed an open letter urging a truce in Gaza.

  • And yet more: The action followed an earlier open letter demanding a ceasefire, which was signed by over a thousand staff members of USAID, an organization that provides overseas aid and has a dotted line to the State Department.

Issues with the base: Among regular Democratic voters, enthusiasm for Biden is at an all-time low. According to Democratic strategist James Carville, "The voters don't want this." "And poll after poll after poll shows that."


The American people don’t trust Joe Biden to lead the world

Here is what's going on: During his 2020 campaign, President Joe Biden pledged to restore America's position as a global leader. Today's Americans don't think he's fulfilled that promise. 53% of voters in 2020 expressed satisfaction with America's standing in the international community. It is already 37 percent.

  • Further figures: On the majority of foreign policy concerns, voters favor former President Donald Trump. Voters prefer Trump 45 to 34 to manage Russia's war against Ukraine, according to a new survey. Regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict, Trump received 43 points, while Biden received 33.

Why it’s important: According to a survey, only 3% of voters consider foreign policy to be the most important topic, indicating that people consistently place a high priority on the economy. In a very close race, however, three percent might make all the difference.

Ukraine: Trump was the first to arm Ukraine with deadly weapons and to maintain communication between Russia and Ukraine. Even though Biden has been an ardent supporter of Ukraine, the public is gradually growing disapproving of a laissez-faire approach.

Israel: If Trump were elected president, it is hard to predict if Hamas would launch an attack on Israel. However, Trump killed Qassem Solemani, an influential figure in the Islamic Republic of Iran, which provides funding to Hamas. With little to no response from Biden, Hamas leaders are now openly staying in hotels in Qatar.

The border: Many claim that every state is now a border state due to the situation at America's borders. Illegal immigration is still a problem for foreign policy, though. Voters appear to interpret the Biden administration's commitment to completing a portion of Trump's wall this year as an acknowledgment that he was correct.

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