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  • President Joe Biden’s Top Terrorist Threat

President Joe Biden’s Top Terrorist Threat

Also, Jan. 6 hoaxes persist after three years

The polls show that Democratic voters are responding favorably to Biden's January 6 messaging. What is his economic message? Not really, though. As the primary elections go nearer, I anticipate hearing more of the present "extremism" rhetoric in addition to hearing more conversations over abortion.

☕️ Today we’re covering:

  • 🪖 Defense secretary’s hospitalization scandal

  • 🇺🇸 President Joe Biden’s Top Terrorist Threat

  • ⚖️ Jan. 6 hoaxes persist after three years

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Everything you need to know

🪖 Defense secretary’s hospitalization scandal. President Biden was unaware until Thursday that Secretary Austin had been hospitalized for four days until the Pentagon revealed this information last Friday. Over the weekend, it came to light that Austin's second-in-command, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks, was not informed about his hospitalization when she assumed her position. Senior White House officials are still unsure of Austin's hospitalization reason as of right now.

🎓 Harvard leadership is still being scrutinized. Harvard Corporation board chair Penny Pritzker is receiving calls to step down from hedge fund investor Bill Ackman. The board's protection of former Harvard University President Christine Gay following her plagiarism and antisemitism controversies has drawn criticism from the billionaire. Ackman and Pritzker are both significant Democratic fundraisers.

🗳 Trump is up against challengers on the ballot in Massachusetts and Illinois. Liberal organizations in the two firmly blue states have submitted petitions demanding that former President Trump be taken off of their ballots because his acts on January 6, 2021, were tantamount to an uprising. This follows his removal from the ballots in Maine and Colorado.

⚖️ DOJ warns J6ers who refrained from entering the Capitol. The U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, Matthew Graves, stated that federal prosecutors have "primarily" concentrated on individuals who have invaded the Capitol or have participated in "violent or corrupt conduct" on its property. He did, however, clarify that anyone who entered a restricted area without authorization had "already committed a federal crime."


Jihadists or Republicans: Joe Biden’s Top Terrorist Threat

Here is what's going on: President Joe Biden maintained his theme of characterizing the movement of former President Donald Trump as harmful to "democracy" in his speech over the weekend on the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. He made the most recent White House allusion equating Jan. 6 protestors to terrorists, comparing the mayhem brought about by Trump supporters that day to combat zones in Iraq.

He has business in mind: With over a thousand political opponents being prosecuted, the Biden administration has elevated the perceived threat of right-wing extremism to the top of its list of priorities for public safety. Authorities have likened the Capitol riot to 9/11 and described domestic terrorism as "the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today."

  • Public opinion: A poll conducted in 2021 revealed the narrative's persuasiveness, with 56% of Americans believing that domestic extremists pose a greater threat than foreign ones.

The issue: Americans are still thinking about the attack on Israel by Hamas in October of this year. According to federal officials, there's a good chance that the incident will incite violence by jihadists in the United States. The U.S.-Mexico border may be targeted by members of Hamas, Al Qaeda, and other Islamic organizations, according to a warning from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

  • Homeland security crisis: The record number of undocumented immigrants on the government's terror watchlist has received substantial media publicity. But under President Biden, the DHS, which was established in the wake of 9/11, has been unable to apprehend and identify over 1.7 million border crossers.

Why it is important: According to recent polls, the majority of Americans are worried about terror inspired by Hamas occurring in the United States, even though they still believe that January 6 was important. Biden may find it more difficult to defend the government's renewed emphasis on right-wing domestic terrorism in light of these worries.


Jan. 6 hoaxes persist after three years

Trump did not incite rioters: The former president never advocated for violence or interfered with the counting of electoral votes; instead, he called for peace both before and after riots broke out. At his gathering, he declared, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your votes heard today."

It was peaceful: The majority of demonstrators arrived after Trump's rally when MPs had already suspended proceedings owing to the acts of a few rioters, but overall, it was peaceful. The majority of the crowd was permitted inside by police to march calmly, waving and cheering them on, despite the media's ongoing portrayal of the incident as though the entire mob "stormed" the building based on footage and eyewitness testimonies.

Nobody was killed by protesters: all deaths that have been reported were either natural causes or among Trump supporters. Officer Brian Sicknick of the US Capitol Police was killed by demonstrators allegedly using a fire extinguisher, although a medical examiner determined that he suffered two strokes. Following the riot, four officers took their own lives.

Not an insurrection: In legal and historical contexts, an insurrection is not only a disruptive protest; rather, it is a sophisticated, planned attempt to overthrow the government. While several members of the right-wing Proud Boys and Oath Keepers have been found guilty of seditious conspiracy, accusing them of plotting separate attacks, no one has been charged with insurrection about the Jan. 6 trial.

Significant FBI involvement: It is a myth propagated by the media that there is no proof the FBI attempted to incite rioting. However, the FBI struggled to keep track of the total number of informants who attended the protest, having planted at least eight in the Proud Boys, two of whom entered the building with them. Congress has not received word from the FBI about whether any of its informants or agents encouraged violence.

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