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  • The Colorado trial could Hurt Trump's candidacy

The Colorado trial could Hurt Trump's candidacy

Also, Zelenskyy's desperate efforts

Today we’re covering:

  • 🗳️ This is how a congressman ignored J6 treatment

  • 🇺🇦 The Trial That Could Hurt Trump's Chances

  • ⚖️ Zelenskyy's desperate efforts

  • And everything else you need to know.

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Everything else you need to know

💰 Republicans suggest sending money from the IRS to Israel. Under a House plan, the IRS would receive $14.3 billion less in financing than it did under President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, with the same amount going to Israel instead. Supporting the bill is House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), making his daring debut as the leader of the party. In the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats, the plan has no chance. (NBC News)

📄 A paper from Israel advocates driving Gazans into Egypt. According to a leaked paper, Israel has contemplated moving Gazan people to camps in Sinai following Hamas' defeat. Building cities for the citizens and a barrier to keep them out of Israel are further components of the plan. According to the administration, these concepts don't belong in a formal plan. (Times of Israel)

⚖️ The court defends Texas's border razor wire. A federal judge decided in a temporary restraining order that the Biden administration could not pull down Texas's razor wire at the southern border to allow migrants to enter the country illegally. According to the judge, Texas's attorney general will probably be successful in proving that the federal government lacks the authority to tamper with the barrier. (Epoch Times)

✈️ NYC provides flights for migrants to leave the city. Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, wants to offer free aircraft tickets to immigrants for whatever destination they want. This coincides with an increase in the demand for services due to the roughly 130,600 asylum seekers that have entered the city since 2022. In order to lessen the load on his self-declared "sanctuary city," Adams is calling for a federal "decompression strategy." (Axios)


Rep. Jamaal Bowman Benefits from a Favorable Justice System

Here is what’s going on: Last month, Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) successfully negotiated a plea agreement with the Democratic attorney general of Washington, D.C. on his misdemeanor charge of mistakenly setting off a fire alarm within the U.S. Capitol building. To get the charge dropped, he will send in a written apology and pay a $1,000 fee. Normally, the charge carries a maximum jail sentence of six months.

  • The complete story: Bowman can be seen on camera taking down emergency exit signs near a doorway, setting off the fire alarm, and then turning around right away. After leaving the chamber, lawmakers postponed a vote on Republican spending goals. Later on, Bowman said he just intended to unlock a door.

Why it's important: Because of the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021, former President Donald Trump and hundreds of his followers have been charged with obstruction of an official procedure, a felony carrying a maximum 20-year jail sentence. Under a favorable system dominated by his party, Bowman is not subject to the same scrutiny despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

What happened to Republican Members: Trump supporters who peacefully demonstrated with police permission have been jailed under the obstruction allegation. Trump is charged with obstruction and "conspiracy to obstruct," despite the fact that he was not present at the Capitol and did not request that the proceedings be stopped.

  • Double standard: in order to make conservatives criminals, President Joe Biden's Department of Justice removed the obstruction penalty from a 2002 statute that had never been applied to demonstrators. The DOJ declined to charge Bowman in a comparable manner.


The Colorado trial could Hurt Trump's candidacy

Here is what’s going on: Yesterday marked the start of the state court trial that puts former President Donald Trump's reelection campaign in jeopardy in Colorado. The plaintiffs' attorneys contend that the January 6, 2021, Capitol disturbance disqualifies Trump from holding public office under the Constitution's "insurrection" clause, in an attempt to keep him off the ballot in 2024.

  • What it says: Anyone who has "taken an oath... to support the Constitution" and "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof" is ineligible under the terms of the 14th Amendment.

Does Trump fit the description? After riots broke out, Trump called for peace, instructed his supporters to demonstrate "peacefully," and did not give them instructions to enter the building. In its indictment against Trump on January 6, the Department of Justice did not present any proof to the contrary.

Why it’s important: Colorado Judge Sarah Wallace is probably going to rule against Trump, denying Colorado voters the opportunity to choose their president, regardless of the facts. She was appointed by Democratic Governor Jared Polis, and thus far, she has rejected all of Trump's legal defenses.

  • Her prior history: Wallace personally contributed to the anti-January 6 organization Colorado Turnout Project, which was established in reaction to the “extremists who stormed the Capitol” and “aims to prevent violent insurrections.”

  • But: The losing party will probably file an appeal, which will lead to a protracted court battle.


Zelensky Worries as Ukraine Fades from Spotlight

The other war: While all eyes are on Israel, another country backed by the United States is fighting valiantly to stay in the picture. Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, is described in a recent TIME feature as his "struggle to keep Ukraine in the fight" and to keep his hold on American financial resources.

Doom and gloom: Ukraine's position in its conflict with Russia is deteriorating overall. The enemy controls about 5% of its area, the number of Ukrainian deaths is in the tens of thousands, and outside assistance is decreasing.

  • Out of date: There's a noticeable change in attitude on Capitol Hill. According to TIME, Zelensky was greeted with a "hero's welcome" on his first visit to Washington, D.C. at the end of the previous year, and support for help to Ukraine was largely bipartisan.

  • Last month, however, Zelensky's second visit to the United States, however, was greeted with a cold reception last month: Congress turned down his request to give a speech in public, and funding for Ukraine was not included in the upcoming government budget.

  • To what extent? Since June, Americans' support for help to Ukraine has decreased by double digits.

Going dark: According to Zelensky's advisers, the Ukrainian leader is in a more depressing mood than he was two years ago, as TIME reported. Furthermore, others fear that Zelensky's resolve is becoming illusionary: We have no other options, someone said. "We're not triumphant. Try telling him that, though.

No end in sight: A negotiated peace agreement or a Ukrainian victory is not likely to occur anytime soon. According to TIME, Zelensky and his advisors find the proposal "taboo," and the president of Ukraine is "dead set against even a temporary truce."

  • Corruption: According to a White House official, "People are stealing like there's no tomorrow," indicating how sensitive the topic of corruption is. Republicans in the House are now demanding that any additional funding come with audits attached.

On media:

  • President Trump's gag order has been maintained by federal judge Tanya Chutkan, who rejected an appeal as without substance. (NPR)

  • To combat threats against Jewish students, the Biden administration will work with law enforcement officers on college campuses. (NBC News)

  • A record number of Indian nationals are breaking into the United States illegally; some are lured by economic prospects, while others are seeking asylum from religious dangers back home. (Wall Street Journal)

  • Without providing any proof, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the West and Ukraine of instigating the recent anti-Semitic disturbance at a Dagetsan airport. (Times of Israel)

  • According to reports, Mossad Chief David Barnea visited representatives in Qatar over the weekend to discuss the release of Hamas hostages. (Axios)

  • A think tank report claims that Hamas has been utilizing hospitals and other civilian buildings as part of its military plan for more than ten years. (Foundation for Defense of Democracies)

  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is supporting President Biden against his colleagues by including legislation that provides help to both Israel and Ukraine. (Axios)

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