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CNN is Blown Away after Border City’s Visit

CNN is Blown Away after Border City’s Visit

The White House stated that Joe Biden was responsible for a 90% reduction in illegal immigration. Indeed, that made me giggle as well. As a result of only one reporter having the courage to challenge her, the press secretary was forced to retract such claims.

However, the Biden administration continues to overlook the tremendous crisis that has developed on our border in the hope that the media would assist him in covering it up. A number of cable news networks made the decision to investigate the situation on the ground in the South. Oh, we could have warned you about that! It’s possible that these liberal networks were seeking to provide support to Biden’s assertions and demonstrate that there are no illegal immigrants storming the border.

However, not even CNN was willing to assist Biden in covering up this disaster in any way. As a direct result of Biden’s border crisis, El Paso, Texas, and the other border cities have effectively been transformed into war zones. Illegal immigrants have crossed the border in unending swarms, which has overwhelmed the local populations.

Even CNN and MSNBC were compelled to acknowledge how terrible the situation was. Reporters demonstrated that lineups of illegal immigrants stretched for miles and miles in every direction. Because of the restrictions placed on them by the federal government, local communities are powerless to respond effectively to the situation.

Joe Biden and Mayorkas have instructed the Department of Homeland Security and the Border Patrol not to deport these felons. In the past, Biden has used money from COVID to pay for bus transportation for illegal immigrants to various communities across the United States.

But at this point, all he does is ignore the boundaries. He is unwilling to prevent individuals from entering the country, he is unwilling to expel them after they have entered, and he is unwilling to do anything with them once they have remained.

Even the most prominent news organizations are forced to concede that the situation has gotten out of hand. But they won’t go any further than blaming Joe. They won’t do anything more than shrug their shoulders and ask, What can be done? We are aware of the facts. If Biden wasn’t allowing them in, then this situation wouldn’t be occurring.

Joe does not intend to enforce the laws governing immigration. He does not intend to deport those who entered the country unlawfully. Because of this, the issue is simply going to become worse. After the expiration of Title 42 in a few days, tens of thousands more people, possibly even hundreds of thousands, will begin to enter the country.


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