Joe Biden Just Received Horrible News

Joe Biden Just Received Horrible News

When Joe Biden first announced that he would be running for re-election, he made a promise to “finish the job.” What kind of a job is that, exactly? Oh, you’re right, completely capitulating to China’s demands! During the tenure of President Joe Biden, the United States has been plagued by widespread inflation, soaring oil prices, a chaotic border, concerns of global war, an epidemic of crime, and many other problems. And Joe asserts that he intends to finish destroying the wealth of the United States.

But he did end up being victorious over Donald Trump, right? Therefore, there are a significant number of people in the United States who support the idea of Joe running for reelection. CNN made the decision to poll its ardent audience about their thoughts on a potential victory for Joe 2024. Even the left-leaning CNN was not going to sugarcoat these results for their viewers.

Sixty-six percent of Americans, according to CNN, one of the most liberal news networks in the United States, believe that a second term for President Joe Biden would be “catastrophic” for the nation. They figuratively refer to it as a setback for us in their thinking. That is not very helpful for someone who is running for public office and conducting a political campaign.

Even Jake Tapper referred to this as horrible news for President Joe Biden. But should this report come as any kind of a surprise to us? Which significant achievements for the American people has Joe Biden been able to achieve? The consensus is that our situation is even more dire than it was when Joe was elected. And I’m not only talking about the economics here. Biden has presided over the most catastrophic humanitarian situation that the United States has ever witnessed.

The man has disregarded the border, which has resulted in nearly three million undocumented immigrants entering the country since 2021. This has resulted in a scenario that cannot be maintained, which has repercussions for our economy, our national security, and a great deal more.

But that’s only one of the many catastrophes that Joe has let happen. Also, we shouldn’t overlook the fact that he appears to be experiencing some form of cognitive decline. Americans have seen multiple clips that show Biden to be less than alert or healthy.

Democrats can choose to ignore it all they want, but Americans are aware of it. You can’t just brush those kinds of issues under the rug. This does not ensure a victory for the Republicans, but it does indicate that they will need to put in a lot of effort to persuade voters to fire Biden the following year.


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