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John Fetterman’s Disgusting New Outfit Goes Viral

John Fetterman’s Disgusting New Outfit Goes Viral

Even though it’s been a few months, we haven’t stopped discussing the senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman. Because of what his aides described as an episode of depression, the man was absent from work for a number of weeks in the Senate. However, we cannot help but speculate about the devastating stroke that he endured the previous year.

The man’s infirmities make it hard for him to continue serving in the United States Senate, therefore all indications point to the fact that he has not entirely recovered. However, the Democrats continue to disregard the countless warning indications that Fetterman has a problem, much to the surprise of many reasonable people.

They lauded him for concealing himself from the Americans for more than a month while he was in the hospital. However, it does not appear that Fetterman has made any progress in his recovery since he returned to Washington, DC. What are the Democrats going to say in response to this?

In spite of the fact that senators have been expected to appear on Capitol Hill in suits and other forms of suitable business attire for what seems like the past two centuries, Fetterman shows up to work in exercise clothes. Through his attire, which consists of ugly hoodies and athletic shorts, he demonstrates an astounding level of disdain for the same job to which he was elected.

I suppose it sums up where we are at this point. The Democrats have such low regard for our nation’s leadership that they can’t even be bothered to wear a tie. Mind you, he is not lacing up his shoes to play basketball; rather, he is preparing to run the country. But what do you think the coverage was like in the liberal media?

Because of his illness, Fetterman is unable to wear suits, which may be due to the fact that he has physical restrictions. By not even attending the meetings, he is infringing the rules regarding the dress code. This disdain is being allowed to continue in the Senate for some inexplicable reason. Why hasn’t he been removed from office or censured for his actions?

The unreliable Associated Press asserts that this merely demonstrates how far he has come in his recovery. Really? The man is so stuttering that it’s embarrassing. Because he is unable of comprehending normal spoken language, he needs the assistance of an iPad.

But you expect us to think that his peculiar habit of wearing sweatpants is some kind of indication that he is in good health? They must believe that because they were successful in electing a guy with dementia to the presidency, they will also be successful in electing a majority of vegetables to the Senate. And they anticipate that we will have complete faith in the Associated Press’s assertion that Fetterman is relaxed and comfortable while wearing his pajamas.


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