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President Biden is Suffering Major Loss in D.C. Swamp

President Biden is Suffering Major Loss in D.C. Swamp

Right about now, Democrats are feeling fairly irate about the fact that Republicans control the House. Republicans are in control of the government despite having only a narrow majority. And the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, has rejected Joe Biden’s request to automatically lift the debt ceiling so that he can spend even more of our children’s money.

By steadfastly refusing to deal with Republicans, Biden has, for some time now, ensured that our country will go bankrupt. Old Joe is unwilling to do what every president has done since the beginning of the United States, even though he needs McCarthy’s help to have his debt ceiling raised.

However, it appears that Biden doesn’t have much of a choice at this point. This week, President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy are scheduled to discuss the mess with the debt ceiling. Biden has stated that he will not deal with Republicans in the House. But as Joe’s approval continues to plummet, it doesn’t look like he has much of a choice left.

The re-election campaign for Biden is shaping out to be a challenging one. His standing among people is at an all-time low right now. A more recent poll shows that he is trailing Donald Trump in the race for the presidency in 2024. It is imperative for him to keep from defaulting on payments if he wants to save his administration from the dumpster fire it now is.

In addition to this, House Republicans demonstrated their cohesiveness by passing their own bill to raise the debt ceiling. This plan will not only increase the limit on the amount of debt that can be owed, but it will also significantly slash spending. Biden is unable to place blame for this situation on Republicans because they are the ones proposing remedies. Meanwhile, President Biden is doing little to prevent the impending economic disaster while he lounges around doing nothing.

The United States will reach its debt ceiling if it does not demonstrate the intelligence necessary to really negotiate a solution. We are aware that Joe Biden is not actually in charge of making decisions. Whoever is truly in charge of running this government will need to find a way to work with Republicans in the House.


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