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President Biden Was Exposed by D.C. Insider Report

President Biden Was Exposed by D.C. Insider Report

We are both aware that Joe Biden is not qualified to hold the post he currently has. However, it appears that the situation is in a much more dire state than we had anticipated. We have known for some time that Joe is being carefully managed in his public appearances by his handlers, and we have heard this for some time now.

Evidently, the man is incapable of speaking for himself without making embarrassing errors. However, they are engaged in a great deal more than that. The schedule of the president is extremely demanding. He has a nonstop schedule of meetings, conversations, and many decisions to make from the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to bed.

It demands a man who is not just strong but also has a lot of stamina and a sharp mind. We are aware that Biden does not possess any of these items. But we had no idea it was going to be this horrible. A recent story claims that the only time that Biden’s team plans activities for him is between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on weekdays.

He is of no value either before or after that time frame. On the weekends, he is incapable of performing even the most menial of tasks. We had known for a long time that the president goes to bed at the unheard-of hour of 7 o’clock in the evening. That is very early, even for an individual who is 80 years old. We now understand that he is unable to successfully manage the typical work schedule of an entry-level office worker.

He can’t even make it through the workday! However, we have been informed that he is running for a second term. According to their projections, he won’t even make it through the entirety of his first term in office! Do you deserve to keep your job if you are going to be absent from it for such a significant portion of the time?

This goes beyond the definition of pitiful. It is an insult to every hard-working citizen of the United States, who at the very least anticipated Biden to work diligently at his job. Instead, because he is too old and tired to work after 4 in the afternoon, he is carefully coddled and pampered like a baby.

Why do Democrats insist on continuing with this farce? The president’s age and health make him unfit for the presidency. Period. If this were happening at any other point in the history of the United States, Congress would have already taken action to remove him from office.

However, Democrats are unable to concede any ground to Republicans because Republicans are so resentful that they won’t even admit that they voted for a vegetable.


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