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State of Texas Just Put Blue States to Shame

State of Texas Just Put Blue States to Shame

You probably don’t need me to tell you how many public figures are being investigated for potential malfeasance. It seems like there isn’t a week that goes by without us learning that a district attorney, mayor, city council member, or even a governor has been implicated in some form of illegal activity.

On the other hand, these officials (who always live in blue states) walk free the vast majority of the time. It would appear that Democrats are willing to labor around the clock to protect their members, even when those members have been caught in the act. It’s likely because of this that people like Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden aren’t currently serving time in prison.

However, only recently, an official from a red state was accused of committing a significant crime. What do you think the majority of the Republican Party did? In no way, shape, or form. The allegations of impropriety against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton were made.

Even allegations of bribery leveled against his office were looked at by the Department of Justice. In addition to other accusations, he is suspected of providing assistance to a donor. Although we do not know if Paxton is guilty until his innocence or guilt is established, we do know that the Texas legislature was not going to ignore these charges.

Paxton was removed from office by a vote of 121-23 in the state House, which is controlled by the Republican party. The position of attorney general was immediately placed on administrative leave, and the matter was sent to the state Senate. If you believe that this attorney general is being railroaded, there is one crucial point you need to bear in mind. In order to remove a public servant from office, Texas’ House of Representatives needs only a simple majority vote.

However, in order to convict Paxton and remove him from office, the state Senate will need to vote in favor of the action by a majority of two-thirds. That indicates that solving this problem won’t be an easy task. Paxton’s guilt won’t be established until the Texas State Senate has held hearings and is satisfied with the evidence.

He will have the opportunity to make his case in front of the state’s voters, who have elected him three times to the position of attorney general. When was the last time a blue state displayed this level of accountability? When was the last time Democrats in Congress genuinely held their own accountable by taking such steps? We have heard several tales about how China has attempted to manipulate Joe Biden and his family by buying and selling them.

However, not a single Democrat has even hinted that there should be an inquiry or investigation. The MET has provided Mrs. AOC with presents. The mayors of Chicago are complicit in the city’s rampant criminal activity. There are a great number of district attorneys who meddle in elections. Despite this, Democrats are remaining mute.

Why is it that Republicans are always the ones who have to be the ones to behave properly and follow the rules? Do Democrats have any interest in upholding law and order? When it comes to holding themselves to the same standard as everyone else, it would appear that they do not.


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