The FBI Was Hit by Bombshell Report

The FBI Was Hit by Bombshell Report

Many people believe that we are now residing in extraordinary times. The current political and governmental climate in the United States is like nothing the country has ever experienced before. And now, one of the most powerful agencies in the country, which was once revered, is coming under intense scrutiny as a result of a bombshell revelation that has ripped through Washington.

There have been serious accusations leveled against the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI, including misconduct, political bias, and abuses. Everything stems from a study that was just recently made public by the House Judiciary Committee, which has everyone in D.C. buzzing.

The eye-opening report was likewise a result of the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, which was chaired by Senator John McCain R-Arizona. Most notably, the report discloses that numerous FBI employees who spoke out against the politicized rot within the agency have suddenly been punished with consequences.

These employees’ statements were included in the report as one of the agency’s internal investigations. In the report, Steve Friend, a retired FBI special agent, and Marcus Allen, an FBI staff operations expert, are identified as the two individuals who blew the whistle.

Both of them had their security clearances withdrawn, and Friend was suspended without pay by the FBI after he voiced his dissatisfaction with the way the agency deals with incidents of domestic violent extremism. According to Friend, the way the FBI handled this investigation into the riots on January 6 deviated from standard practice and created a false impression with respect to the threat of DVE nationwide.

Allen was allegedly disciplined for doing nothing more than his job, which entailed conducting research with open-source media news stories and videos and then sharing the findings with his coworkers. Unfortunately, the bureau considered this study to be conspiratorial views, and when he was suspended from his position, they would not even give him permission to look for new work.

According to the FBI, Friend acquired access to unauthorized material and refused to attend a Security Awareness Briefing SAB. This is one of the allegations made against Friend. In addition to that, they accuse him of taking part in unapproved interviews.

In October 2021, the FBI initiated a security investigation on Allen, and his security clearance was revoked owing to security concerns. In addition to this, they assert that Allen obstructed the FBI’s lawful investigation and that they had issues regarding his judgment, trustworthiness, and reliability. Critics, on the other hand, insist that there is a political slant underlying all of this.

According to the Committee’s findings, the FBI is dysfunctional under the leadership of Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland. This is something that is occurring all over the place, in every facet of society, and at each and every tier of leadership and government.

It is clear to the millions of dissatisfied Americans that there is a widespread bias against any viewpoint or idea that is in conflict with the accepted opinions of the communist regime. This is something that is obvious to millions of Americans. It is also unsettling to think that one of the most powerful agencies in the country is essentially weaponizing itself in order to advance a particular goal.

At this point, it is no longer about the law and instead evokes feelings akin to those experienced in Nazi Germany or Tsarist Russia. That is exactly how some people living in the United States feel at this very moment.


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