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  • The Native Americans Are Upset at President Biden’s Latest Move

The Native Americans Are Upset at President Biden’s Latest Move

The Native Americans Are Upset at President Biden’s Latest Move

You are surely familiar with Joe Biden’s assault on the energy sector in the United States. Since taking office in 2021, Biden has halted the production of energy in the United States by prohibiting drilling for oil and gas on property owned by the federal government. Because of this, costs for things like fuel and electricity skyrocketed, which continues to be a problem for us today.

The government of President Joe Biden was working on a plan to prohibit land-based drilling for the next twenty years. The American Indian nations who inhabited that area voiced their opposition to the ban and implored Joe to change his mind. Drilling for oil and gas could be of great benefit to the tribes because it results in the generation of a significant amount of revenue.

However, influential environmental groups and foreign interests are demanding that the United States halt its drilling. Now, can you guess who Biden supported? Biden is gloating over the fact that he stopped drilling on Native American property. Meanwhile, the actual Indians who live on that property will be doomed as a result of this restriction because it will deprive them of a significant amount of riches.

Oil corporations would have had to travel across land that was held by these individuals, for which they would have had to pay a significant sum. However, as a result of Biden’s decision to prohibit drilling on the adjoining federal territory, these natives will not have any luck. Wait a minute. I had the impression that Democrats enjoyed bragging about how they prioritized the needs of various minority communities.

In addition, Democrats have consistently asserted that Aboriginal communities reject drilling because they believe it will destroy the land. Is everything the Democratic Party says an outright lie? These locals were in desperate need of those leases. If they were gone, their land would have little to no value. Their own leaders submitted a petition to Biden requesting that the ban not be issued.

However, the Biden administration is currently being driven by environmental lobbyists and globalists who want the United States of America to pay exorbitant prices for gas imported from the UAE. Biden is more concerned with the economic well-being of other countries than with the United States of America.


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