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  • WATCH: Hunter Biden Went into Panic Mode

WATCH: Hunter Biden Went into Panic Mode

WATCH: Hunter Biden Went into Panic Mode

The investigations that are tightening the noose around the Biden family’s neck are being led by Republicans in the House of Representatives. A current investigation involving allegations that Hunter committed tax fraud is dragging on.

Long ago, we began keeping watch for any new developments in this investigation. Recent information provided by a whistleblower suggested that Hunter was receiving preferential treatment. Because of the widespread corruption in Washington, the validity of the entire case may be called into question.

But it looks like things are about to get interesting for old Hunter. Because his attorneys did nothing more than circle the wagons. What kind of a situation is this? Because of this dispute with the IRS, it’s possible that things will become worse for Hunter. Because his attorneys were spotted making their way to the Department of Justice for a meeting.

It is not clear what was discussed, although representatives from the tax division of the Department of Justice and officials from the office of the United States Attorney for the District of Delaware were present.

There have been a variety of accusations made against Hunter that include his business dealings. It is probable that he lied to the federal government about his investments, which is the subject of this particular investigation.

There is a widespread perception that China has maintained control over Joe Biden for many years by buying off his son. Recently, Republicans in the House of Representatives have lifted the veil on the Biden family. They investigated the Bidens’ bank records and discovered that China has been providing financial assistance to a number of their associates.

It is safe to assume that the majority of Americans want justice to be served. For a significant number of years, we have been hearing reports of strong Democrats getting away with a wide variety of offenses.

Americans are becoming increasingly resentful of high-level Democrats and their families getting rich off of the government, and examples range from the Clintons to the Obamas. We are unable to speculate on how this investigation will come to a close.

But we are in a position to say that Joe is not benefiting in any way from the controversy that surrounds Hunter. Even if his son’s many transgressions are brought to light on a daily basis, he is still seeking re-election.


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